EA News | May 25, 2023
Elit’Avia joins state of the industry panel discussion at EBACE 2023

Elit’Avia’s Nick Houseman joined industry experts on the State of the Industry panel discussion on May 24, at EBACE, covering various topics such as the growth of on-demand aviation, as well as decarbonizing private aviation.
“Business aviation has experienced an era of change since 2020. On the one hand, the general loss of air transport connectivity during the COVID pandemic triggered a significant and unprecedented growth in on-demand aviation. On the other hand, the global warming crisis has given business aviation, at least in Europe, the unenviable role of being the ultimate symbol of the worst in terms of carbon footprint.
To decarbonize the industry, it is certain that air transport will see its price increase as much as the pressure from society for more and more ‘green’ alternatives. In this context, the predictability of trends and market conditions has never been more complex.
Discover the latest data analysis from market intelligence experts, which will provide insights into current and future trends.”
Elit’Avia thanks EBAA for the opportunity to have been a part of this discussion and we look forward to further contributing as an EBAA Industry Ambassador.
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